Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Preschool Years

Every year, the wonderful teachers at PCDP make a scrapbook for every child! Here are a few highlights from Hunter's first 3 years. Above, Hunter's first day in "Miss" Willie's class,
21 months old.

2 years old!
Helping "Miss" Willie cook during 'Farm Week'.
End of the school year.
2nd year in "Miss" Willie's toddler class.
3 years old!

Nicholas Steinport and Hunter.
Community helpers week.

First day in "Miss" Tina's three-year-old room.

Hunter's 'girlfriend', Courtney Clark
The 3 Musketeers - Nicholas, Hunter, and Trey Kernea.
Dinosaur Week
Farm Week

Four year old room here I come!


  1. i miss miss willie, lezli...will michaela start next year?

  2. Yes, Michaela will be in 'Miss' Willie's room next year!
