Saturday, June 27, 2009

Our Yard

The view of our toy-strewn back patio from the little hill behind the house back in February. And yes, the kids consider the ice chest their toy. They love to fill it w/ dirt and leaves and water. Guess we won't be putting food in there anytime soon.
The view of the little hill from the patio. There is a swing back there. Funny, we didn't realize how close the neighbors to the back were until all the leaves fell.
Daffodils on February 14th. Two weeks later we had snow!
My sad attempts to start watermelon seedlings this spring.
I said in the last post the previous owners left us treasures. Here are some more. Beautiful orchids by our bedroom window.

More orchids and some wilting azaleas in the background. And, of course, a cute little girl! ;-)
Cracks me up how Buddy posed for me in front of the house!
Almost stepped on this frog one day while watering flowers.
Beautiful petunias I bought from a fundraiser put on by Palmer Children's Home. I didn't know they have their own greenhouses out there and sell plants year round. I have since tried to kill them. (Didn't get them watered two very hot days in a row.) Allan was surprised that I am bringing them back to life w/ liquid seaweed and removal of dead foliage.
Geraniums from the same fundraiser. They are fairing much better than the petunias!
Allan's workshop. Look at how green it is at the back of the property now!
Side yard. You can see the neighbors house.
More treasures. Peaches! Except none of them made it. :-( Will have to read up more on peaches before next year. This tree seemed to develop a fungus. All the caterpillars probably didn't help either.
Beautiful Lily. My friend Linda tells me it is called a Canna Lily.
How could I not include this picture of Michaela in her 'eye boots'?!
Hunter on the swing up on the little hill. (Note the boots. Our yard gets pretty muddy when it rains!) Can't hardly even tell we have neighbors behind that swing w/ all the foliage this time of year!
Beautiful post Allan built (and brother-in-law Morgan helped set) for me to hang my upside down tomato planters. You can see my compost bin in the back. Think this fall I will spend some time planting more bulbs. Love my petunias, but I really need some flowers that require less of my attention! =-)

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Previous owners have left us all kinds of treasures! Among them, two blueberry bushes.

Michaela has been so excited. She goes out and eats the ripe berries right off the bushes.
That's chalk on her face.

"You want some, Daddy?"

"Here, Mommy!"
Can you see the boo-boo on her chest? Brother literally zipped her into a costume the other day!
Sweet girl!

Hunter is making plans to make a blueberry pie for 4th of July w/ the berries he has been picking. I'm not sure we will get enough from the two little bushes we have. I told him we will have to start freezing the berries he picks before Sister eats them all!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Allan was out mowing the lawn while Michaela and I took Hunter to gymnastics today. He saw this snake. What does my husband do? Grab a shovel? No. He grabs the camera.
I guess I should be grateful he didn't leave me a mess to clean up.
Allan tried to look it up and thinks it was non-venomous.
I have tried to remain calm and not let my fear of snakes freak the kids out.
I think I have put up a good front.
"Oh look. Daddy found a snake in the yard today."
"Oh wow! It can climb trees!"
Inside . . .
I am screaming! "OMG! There was a SNAKE in MY yard! You kids don't know it, but we just wasted a huge amount of money buying this house w/ this huge yard, because Mommy is never going to let you play outside in it AGAIN!"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Mr. Cool
Michaela patiently waiting for the ceremony to begin.
'Miss' Lezli congrats the graduate.
Now, 'Miss' Willie's turn - Hunter attended PCDP for 4 years!
Now, Mom's turn!
Time to party!
Hunter and his pal, Trey.
Don't ask me what the wild eyes are about!
Ben will put Hunter in his place.
Always fun trying to take a family picture w/ two wiggly, wild kids!