But children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."
-Ruth Hulburt Hamilton
Allan came home to the above scene the Tuesday before last (Feb. 24th). It seems since we got back from Arizona it has been just one illness after another. Monday Michaela had an ear infection. But other than sticking her finger in her ear once and saying "owie!" I would not have known there was anything wrong. Tuesday (24th), Hunter was bouncing all over the house, as usual. We were just about to head out the door to drop him at preschool when he gave a shiver. I checked his temp - sure enough he was running a fever. He played all morning then crashed after lunch. He and Michaela were fighting over my lap as we sat down to watch a video. Hence the picture.
By Wednesday, I took him to the doctor. He was bit by a tick two weeks before, so they decided to run lab work. After much crying leading up to the lab work, he did just fine once they actually stuck him. (Though, Mommy wanted to cry for him!) By Thursday, he had an earache, so he was also put on an antibiotic. By Monday, he seemed better, so I went to work in Starkville. But by that night, Michaela was running a high grade fever. *sigh*
When Michaela doesn't feel well, she makes sure the whole world knows about it! The last two nights she woke up crying every time she coughed. So, we ended up on the couch. I sat Michaela between my legs and laid her head against my stomach to keep her upright and breathing easier. (I know my chiropractor is reading this right now and cringing! Surprisingly I don't have a backache - yet.) Now both kids have upset tummies from the antibiotics. What a miserable way for Michaela to spend her 2nd Birthday! The good news is Hunter's lab work came back negative for flu, mono, Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. But needless to say, I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired!
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