Saturday, October 24, 2009

Field Trip! Part I

Hunter took these photos on our field trip last week, Oct. 14th, to the Mississippi State University Geosciences Department. Amy Moe-Hoffman was our guide through the Dunn-Seiler Museum.

Above, if you can believe it, are gizzard stones found with a fossil. Also, to the left, a dragonfly fossil.

During the time of the dinosaurs, the area of MS where Starkville is now was under water. Many of the fossils in this area, therefore, are of oceanic life.

Better shot of the dragonfly.

See that skull at the bottom? Crocodile!

Hunter was quite impressed with this replica of a Triceratops skull. So much so, that it was difficult to get him to focus during most of the tour - LOL!

Hunter is still in disbelief that his favorite, Pteranodon, was technically not a dinosaur. We learned that part of the definition of a dinosaur was an animal that lived on land and had all the same type teeth. (herbivore or carnivore). Pteranodon means 'winged and toothless'!

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