Friday, July 10, 2009

Farm Camp - Day 5

The last day of Farm Camp for Hunter. We were running late and the other kids voted to hike to the creek. 'Miss' Lisa was tending to animals, so Michaela and I hung out w/ Hunter for a while.
Poor kid!
You can see he quickly got over it!
Michaela chasing down the doggies, as usual!
Don't know if you can tell what is going on in this pic. One of the other campers (keep forgetting to ask Hunter her name) stayed behind since she had blisters on her feet. Here, she is chasing Rosie the Piggy out of the little pool. Rosie kept trying to get in! The mud on her little snout kept clogging up the filter.
A Michaela-size puppy.
Hunter trying to figure out if he can get this tractor going.
Rosie evidently didn't think I was paying enough attention to her. She kept walking between my legs and rubbing against me like a cat. I wouldn't have minded so much if she hadn't just been playing in the mud! Needless to say, I had to go home and change before my meeting in Starkville.
"Go, Hunter, Go!"
"I can't see through all this mud!"
"Hunter! Michaela!" 'Miss' Lisa had a surprise for them!
Someone out cutting hay almost ran over this baby deer! =-( They brought it to 'Miss' Lisa. I believe by Friday it was 8 or 9 days old.
Michaela says, "I want to feed the baby deer, too!"

Michaela said, "I fed the baby deer baby milk!"
Michaela wasn't sure about the baby deer 'kissing' her!

Michaela cried when it was time for the deer to go back inside - some of the dogs were eyeing her! Uh-oh!
'Miss' Lisa invited me to bring Michaela's swim suit in the afternoon when we came to pick Hunter up.
She's still talking about "I fell on the slide and hit my head. It was scawy (scary)! Doctow (dr.) took a pictuwe (picture) of my head! It was scawy!" As you can see here, though, it isn't keeping her from the big pool!
Just realized I took more pictures of Michaela on Friday than of my camper, Hunter. Oops!

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